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Certified translations

Official certified and sworn translations

Italian > German and German > Italian

Certified translations from Italian to German and from German to Italian

Specialised legal translations and certified translations from and into Italian

  1. Legal acts and various documents (contracts, powers of attorney, official documents, driving licences, registration documents, etc…)
  2. Certificates (birth, marriage and death certificates, etc…)
  3. Diplomas (school diplomas, degree certificates, school reports, etc…)
  4. Judgments and orders (divorce decrees, criminal record certificates, etc…)
  5. Certificates and extracts (certified extracts of birth and marriage certificates, etc…)
  6. Business documents (extracts from the Register of Companies, deeds of incorporation, Chamber of Commerce company registrations, financial statements, articles of association, etc...)

In 2005 I attained a Diploma in Interpreting and Translating from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Düsseldorf, accredited by the German state. I am a member of the Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ).

I now have more than 15 years’ experience in the field of legal translations and during my career I have done several hundred sworn translations.

The legal translations I provide are always accompanied by a sworn statement in which I assume the responsibility for translating all the information contained in the original text accurately and consistently into the target language. To obtain this qualification I did specialist training focusing on German law while keeping constantly updated on the field of Italian law. Since 2008 I have been a sworn translator and interpreter authorised by the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court (OLG). I am also a member of the register of sworn translators at the Consulate General of Italy in Cologne.


Wir haben Frau Andrea Herrschaft für beglaubigte Übersetzungen für mich (Apotheker) und für meine Frau (Ärztin) in Anspruch genommen. Sie war sehr schnell, sowohl bei der Anfertigung der Übersetzung als auch im Beantworten der E-Mails. Und das zu guten Preisen.

Ich empfehle sie allen, die Übersetzungen vom Italienischen ins Deutsche benötigen.

— E. A. (Apotheker) und R. F. (Ärztin), Essen

Kostenvoranschlag anfordern

Fill in this form oder write to this address to send me the document you want translated and you will receive my best quotation as soon as possible.

BDÜ – Association of professional interpreters and translators

I have been a member of BDÜ, the German association for professional interpreters and translators since 2009.

Visit the website

Regional Judiciary Administration registry of interpreters and translators

Sworn interpreters and certified translators: an online registry of qualified linguistic mediators.

Visit the website